Clone of The Via del Sale in Ebike, 3 days on the paths from the Alps to the sea
An intelligent path that combines adventure and mountain landscapes with a sweet and fun descent to the sea
La Via del Sale is a dream for many bikers, and with reason: the taste of adventure, the desire to compete with the mountain and its climbs, the feeling of satisfaction that comes with reaching the sea in Ventimiglia, thinking that only a few hours before we were in the middle of the uncontaminated mountains, the pleasure of taking an epic journey together with a group of other bike enthusiasts and sharing a unique experience.
We have designed this version of the Via del Sale for those who want to enjoy all the pleasure of the challenge, the landscapes and the mountains but do not really feel like carrying the bags and facing the exposed (and dangerous) sections around the Monte Toraggio of the third day of travel.
We will do this route in three days, starting from Limone Piemonte with the climb to the Col di Tenda and then follow the military road that will take us to the military fortifications that characterize this border area. After dinner and staying at Rifugio Don Barbera we will leave for the second day that we will spend among mule tracks and military roads, to arrive to the Colle Melosa where we will spend the night.
On the third day we will descend towards the sea and our final destination, Ventimiglia, crossing the characteristic villages of Pigna, Isolabona and Dolceacqua: a dip in the sea, an ice cream on the beach and then we will leave by train for Limone, another essential moment for us in this adventure.
In this tour everyone will carry with them the luggage necessary for the 3 days: all the necessities must fit in the backpack (or in the saddle bag / handlebar) - a real mtb adventure, not to be missed, we are waiting for you!
Length: 130 km
Elevation gain: 2,800m
This trip is of a medium challenging level, here you can find the more challenging version, with the classic route around the Monte Toraggio

Medium easy
Not physically challenging - e-bikes help a lot for this :) - with some stretches on unsettled terrain, both uphill and downhill. (trails and unpaved roads, you should not be afraid of a little downhill on gravel, or some roots or loose stones)

Day 1 - the Tenda pass and the military fortifications
After crossing the town of Limone Piemonte, we will start to climb on asphalt from 1,000m of the starting point to over 1,800m of the hill of Tenda, where we will have lunch. We will then take the military road that will take us through military fortifications, to end the day at the Don Barbera refuge, where we will dine, sleep and recharge our bike batteries.
Length: 35 km
Elevation gain: 1.400m
Day 2 - the bosco delle navette forest and Mount Saccarello
The second leg of our tour begins with a very panoramic climb, at the end of which we will begin the long descent through the bosco delle navette forest. During the day we will alternate many climbs to as many descents, reaching, among others, the Saccarello summit, which with its 2,200m is the highest peak in Liguria, and we will end with the final descent up to the 1,600m of the Melosa hill, where we will stop for the night.
Length: 45 km
Elevation gain: 1.300m d+
Day 3 - arrival at the sea
The last day we will descend along the valley of the Nervia stream, down to Ventimiglia. We will alternate between asphalt and some off-road trails, and visit the villages of Pigna, Isolabona, and Dolceacqua. Once we arrive at our destination, there will be time for a dip in the sea and a beer, before getting on the train that will take us back to your starting point in a couple of hours.
Length: 50 km
Elevation gain: 100m
Grande appassionato di viaggi in giro per il mondo, e di montagna, Luca è una Guida Escursionistica Ambientale e Accompagnatore Turistico (è anche Guida Rafting e Accompagnatore Cicloturistico, se non bastasse!) che ama organizzare sia trekking classici, specialmente nelle valli spettacolari della provincia di Cuneo che per lui sono casa, sia viaggi in cui la camminata è un modo di esplorare nuovi territori e culture, come fa ad esempio nei suoi bellissimi tour in Francia e a Londra. Molto preparato e competente, Luca è una persona curiosa e positiva, a cui brillano gli occhi mentre ti racconta dei posti che gli piacciono, capace di scovare angoli meno conosciuti e bellissimi, ed attento anche alle scoperte gastronomiche. Una cosa bellissima di lui è la sua commozione durante il trekking sulla Via di Sant'Anna, nella sua Valle Stura.
Dicono di lui i nostri viaggiatori:
- Grazie a Luca che ci ha guidati alla scoperta di un ambiente naturale affascinante e solitario e che ha saputo trasmetterci l'amore per la sua terra. (Linda, viaggiatrice nel tour delle Basse Valli Po, Valle Maira e Val Varaita)
- Luca è un ottimo accompagnatore, competente, preparato, allegro e simpatico e un bravo autista, attento e prudente. 10 e lode (Manuela, viaggiatrice in Valle Maira)
- Luca grande professionalità! Ha saputo gestirci con armonia ma anche determinazione! Bellissimo gruppo e piacevole compagnia! È stata una bella esperienza! (Mariangela, viaggiatrice nelle Calanques)

This is one of our EASY tours.
We will be riding secondary roads, alternating paved stretches and unpaved sections that might include roots or stones.
This is a real bike ride, a day of outdoor sports, which is why it's important to be fit for it.
We recommend wearing padded cycling shorts as you will be riding for around 4 hours. If you are a frequent rider, remember to bring them with you. If you instead have never used them, re recommend getting a pair. Padded shorts are the biker's best friend (and also of the eBiker), because the legs will hold up well with the electric bike, but a bad “lower back” can really ruin a good day.
In all our eBike tours it is essential to wear a helmet, if you don't have one we can lend it to you. If you rent one of our eBikes, the helmet is included in the price.

No. The three days of this tour do not present particular risks: we will ride on military mountain roads, traveled every year by thousands of hikers, cyclists, motorcyclists and some motorists. As always when going to the mountains the right attention and the right caution are needed.
After having cycled this route many times and met / crossed hundreds of cyclists, only 2 of them had knee pads and a full-face helmet (with the chin guard).
There are no real "enduro" traits, and considering how much there is to ride, Marco prefers to do it without knee pads / elbow pads.
But if you feel more comfortable wearing them, you can of course do!
(Instead the helmet, just to remember it, is mandatory for all of our tours)
We do not own the eBikes ourselves: we work with the best rental companies in Piedmont that, for this type of tour, provide us with fully suspended eBikes that are clean, in excellent working order, medium-high range (like Cube, Focus, Haibike, Rossignol, Thok, all equipped with Bosch - Shimano - Yamaha motors) and, importantly, of the correct size.
These are are also called “pedal assist” bikes, because the motor will help the rider in moving, but the rider still has to pedal.
So, by riding an e-bike, someone who is trained can get even further, and beginners can have fun without feeling exhausted straight away.
To understand and get a feel for how much fun and easy to use of these bicycles are, the only solution is to come and try!

The price of this The Via del Sale in Ebike, 3 days on the paths from the Alps to the sea , of 499 euros per person, includes:
- Assistance from Marco, that will cycle the whole tour with you, will tell you about history, nature, traditions and will help you in case you need it during the throughout the tour.
- 2 nights with breakfast
- 3 lunches
- 2 dinners
- train ticket from Ventimiglia to Limone
The cost does not include the rental of the ebike (total cost for the whole tour for the rental of a full suspended ebike: 120 euro)
It is possible to add a night at the beginning or end of the trip, and join us for the transfer from Turin to Limone Piemonte.
The tour starts in Limone Piemonte at 10.00 am.
The meeting point is usually the car park in via Cuneo, click here for the Google Maps coordinates..
Before departure we will confirm to the registered travelers the exact place of the appointment.
The end of the tour is scheduled, at the same point of the meeting, on Sunday at about 7:30 - 8:30pm
It is possible to stay in the Hotel Artisin at night and leave the following day.
If you want to discuss further details, or get help to plan your stay before and after the tour, you can get in touch with Paola, who will be happy to help you.
You can also reach us directly in the chat on this page.
Questo tour ci permette, attraverso sentieri poco battuti, di fare un percorso tra luoghi normalmente distanti tra loro per chi viaggia su strada. Per questo il tour, pur essendo itinerante, non prevede il trasporto dei bagagli: sarebbe molto dispendioso in termini economici, meno sostenibile dal punto di vista ambientale e quindi poco sensato per la nostra avventura.Quindi ognuno dovrà portare con sé lo stretto necessario.
Ognuno può regolarsi in base alla sua esperienza, ma il consiglio è di tenersi leggeri e non esagerare con il carico.
Se volete avere uno spunto, questo è quello che si porterà il nostro accompagnatore:
Per la giornata in bici
- casco (meglio ricordarlo!)
- maglia tessuto tecnico a maniche corte
- pantaloncini con fondello
(l'abbigliamento tecnico da bici - maglietta + pantaloncini - lo lava la sera e lo rimette il giorno dopo)
+ (nello zaino)
- maglia tessuto tecnico a maniche lunghe
- k-way
- guanti
- occhiali da sole
- crema protezione solare
- camera d'aria
- il caricabatterie (!)
inoltre, non dimenticare
- acqua
- snack e/o sali minerali
Vestiti / biancheria per la sera (nella borsa da sella)
- pantalone da trekking, leggero, di quelli che si possono dividere e diventare lunghi-corti
- maglietta di cotone
- pile / felpa
- mutande
- calze
- spazzolino/dentifricio/sapone
- asciugamano in microfibra
- scarpe da ginnastica
N.B.: il sacco lenzuolo per la notte in rifugio viene fornito in loco per tutti i partecipanti, ma se ne hai già uno e preferisci puoi portarlo con te e usarlo senza problemi
Controllare la bici prima di partire per il tour (IMPORTANTE) :
- pneumatici in buone condizioni
- freni funzionanti
- sospensioni in ordine e tarate correttamente
- catena non eccessivamente usurata o danneggiata
- batteria carica
Infine, la nostra guida ha con sé nello zaino il necessario per effettuare piccole riparazioni, ma alcuni pezzi non sono universalmente validi, quindi il nostro consiglio è di avere nel proprio zaino qualche ricambio che potrebbe rendersi necessario, del tipo e della misura adatta alla propria eBike:
- una camera d'aria
- una falsa maglia
- una coppia di pastiglie dei freni
- il forcellino del cambio
L'uso di altre protezioni (guanti, ginocchiere, gomitiere, casco con mentoniera, etc) non è obbligatorio, ma considerando che il percorso sarà principalmente su strade e sentieri (anche molto) accidentati, se ti senti più a tuo agio le puoi portare con te ed indossarle quando lo riterrai più opportuno.
L'elenco è lungo, ma con un po' di attenzione ci sta tutto in uno zaino e in una borsa!
Consigliamo di arrivare già "vestiti da bici" al luogo dell'appuntamento, così da essere pronti a partire.
All our tours are directly made by us, Giroola Srl, via Amorosa 3, 10030 Villareggia (TO) (P.iva 11671600010, Scia 19022017-1520 Suap 9007)
During the tour you'll be covered by our Civil Responsibility Assurance (Reale Mutua Assicurazioni, via Corte d'Appello 1, 10122 Torino, nr.2007/03/2276452).
We adhere to the Guarantee Fund (art.50 Dlgs 23.05.2011 n.79) which can be used by all travellers provided they have a contract in case of bankruptcy or insolvency for the refunding of the price paid. (Fondo Garanzia Viaggi Srl, via Nazionale 60, 00184 Roma, certificate n. A/146.1485/5/2017).
Booking Policy, from the General Terms and Condition for the Sale of Tour Packages:
Acceptance of reservations by Giroola Srl is subject to availability. Reservations will be considered final following confirmation by Giroola Srl, even via e-mail or fax, to the client.
Indications relative to the tour package not contained in the contract documents, brochures or other forms of written communication, will be supplied in time by Giroola Srl prior to the initial starting date in compliance with its duties as envisaged by Legislative . decree n. 79/2011.
Upon booking, a registration fee and a deposit of 25% of the total amount is required. Full payment is due 30 days prior to departure. For reservations made within 30 days of departure, full payment is due upon booking. Lack of payment of the abovementioned sums on the dates established constitutes grounds for cancellation of reservations such as to determine, on the part of Giroola Srl, the right to terminate the contract.
The client renouncing the contract may be substituted by another person provided that:
a) Giroola Srl be given written notice at least 4 weekdays prior to the date of departure, together with the necessary personal data of the transferee;
b) The transferee be able to satisfy all the conditions for the fruition of the service ( ex article 10 of Legislative decree n.111/95) and in particular the requisites relative to passports, visas, health certificates;
c) The transferee refund Giroola Srl for all expenses incurred for the transfer of the contract for the sum specified before the transfer.
Moreover, the transferor and the transferee are both accountable for the payment in full of the tour package price as well as for the sum as per item (c) of the present article.
As far as certain types of services are concerned, third party suppliers have the right to refuse the substitution of the transferee, even if effected within the time limit specified as per item (a) of the present article. Giroola Srl will therefore not be held responsible for the eventual non-acceptance of the substitution on behalf of third parties. This non-acceptance shall be notified in good time by Giroola Srl to the parties involved before departure.
In the event of withdrawing from the tour package contract, the client is, in any case, liable for the payment of the tour package price. If withdrawal takes place for reasons beyond those envisaged in article 7 of the present General Terms, the client shall pay, in compliance with ex article 1373, paragraph III, Italian Civil Code, cancellation penalties as specified below:
- 10% of the tour package price within 30 days prior to departure
- 30% of the tour package price from 29 to 18 days prior to departure
- 50% of the tour package price from 17 to 10 days prior to departure
- 75% of the tour package price from 9 to 3 weekdays prior to departure
- 100% of the tour package price beyond these terms.
The client may withdraw from the contract, without incurring any penalty, in the following circumstances:
- a significant change of one or more elements of the contract which can be objectively considered as fundamental for the fruition of the tour package in its entirety and proposed by Giroola Srl.
- after the conclusion of the contract itself but prior to departure and not accepted by the client.
In the abovementioned circumstances, the client is entitled to the following options:
- the fruition of an alternative tour package, with no increase in price or with the restitution of the excess in price, if the second tour package costs less than the first;
- the restitution of any sum corresponded as partial payment. Said restitution must be made within seven weekdays from receiving the request for reimbursement.
The client must communicate the decision (to accept the change or to withdraw) within two weekdays from receiving notice of the price increase or change. In the absence of specific notice within the said term, the proposal made by Giroola Srl will be considered accepted. The client who decides to withdraw from the contract before departure for circumstances beyond those listed above shall pay, after deducting the account paid as per article 4, the penalty indicated in article 6.
Variations to the tour, requested by the client, after the confirmation of booking, could involve processing expenses for Giroola Srl and at times penalties charged by suppliers. If so, the customer will be charged. Partial withdrawal of some of the travellers under the same contract and the resulting decrease in number of tour members is to be considered partial cancellation and is consequently regulated as stated in article 6.
As specified in our General Conditions of Sale of tourist packages, when you travel with Giroola you are covered by our Civil Liability Insurance. For all that could happen and that was due to our negligence or error, we have signed a policy (Reale Mutua Assicurazioni, nr.2007 / 03/2276452).
There are other insurance policies that we recommend and for which we have chosen to work with Allianz Global Assistance, whose Globy range seems to us to be the most suitable for our travelers:
- TRAVEL CANCELLATION - Our 8-person trips are often full months before the date of travel, and even if our cancellation policy is actually much more flexible than expressed in our Booking Policy (our travelers can attest to this, we are very available to move the trip in case of unexpected even the last minute), where other facilities are involved (hotels, rentals, etc) some expenses are not really refundable, and therefore a good trip cancellation insurance becomes a valuable ally.
We at Giroola are an agency of the Globy network of Allianz Global Assistance, and we can therefore provide you with all the information, make estimates and issue the policies directly with the booking.
For any information our Paola is at your disposal at the phone number +39 370 3506333, at the address [email protected] or in the chat directly on this page.
What's included
2 breakfasts
3 lunches
2 dinners
- Assistance for 3 days on the trails
- Train ticket from Ventimiglia to Limone Piemonte
2 nights with breakfast
- 3 days of mountain bike trails on the legendary Via del Sale
Book this tour
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