Clone of 3 days by Minibus, Special Tour to the International White Truffle Fair of Alba
Wine, “tonda gentile” hazelnut, the spectacle of foliage, local gastronomy and the International Fair of the White Truffle in Alba
During this time of the year, Langhe and Monferrato are the ideal places for a holiday.
Nature is beautiful and has amazing colors: the yellows, greens, and reds mix and make everything more impressive. The grapes have already been harvested, and it is time to taste the wines from previous years, matching them with cheese, mushrooms, vegetables, Piedmontese meat, hazelnut cakes or fragrant nougat.
And then there is the International Fair of the White Truffle in Alba with all the associated initiatives, tastings, historical reenactments and the world market of truffles.
The only issue is that among many proposals, and many people who converge in these hills, traveling alone can be challenging and time consuming: find parking, finding the right place to eat, the producer who organizes the best tasting, the most authentic places. For this we invite you to sit comfortably on our minibus and let yourself be carried, in a calm rhythm of landscapes and tastes, to enjoy a 100% vacation that we are sure you will want to redo every year!

Viaggio dolce
Questo viaggio è pensato per esplorare i borghi e la natura delle nostre colline, con una particolare attenzione all'enogastronomia locale.
Day 1 - Monferrato and home cooking
The journey begins in the Monferrato, with a visit to the splendid Abbey of Santa Maria di Vezzolano. Then we will have to don an apron to learn how to make pasta by hand in the charming village of Cocconato, and enjoy a lunch all together (included in the price of the tour) to start getting into the atmosphere of this trip. We will then descend towards the Barbaresco area, with the spectacular hills between the Municipalities of Neive, Barbaresco and Treiso, We will visit the village of Neive, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
Day 2 - The city of Alba and the Langhe of Barolo
A day at the “International fair of the White Truffle of Alba, World Truffle Market” We will walk in the town of the Hundred Towers to visit the Cathedral (with the Diocesan underground museum, and an extraordinary climb up the bell tower), and maybe walking among the benches we will be able to taste the hazelnut cake, the nougat, the cheeses, as well as to discover the King, the sumptuous White Truffle. So you will be able to do some shopping and take home with you some of the flavors of this wonderful land.
In the afternoon we will move to the Barolo region: Grinzane Cavour, La Morra and the characteristic village of Barolo which gives its name to the extraordinary local red wine, famous all over the world.
Day 3 - The wine cathedrals, cheese and Acqui Terme
Today we will visit one of the wonders of this area of Piedmont: the Canelli Wine Cathedrals, cellars carved into the rock that tell the story of these spectacular wines. We will continue to Moasca, where we will visit the farm of our friend Marco who produces his delicious goat's cheese. We will then visit Acqui Terme, an ancient spa town with its extraordinary hot water fountain in the center, the 'Bollente', before returning to Turin.
Questo è un viaggio in minibus dolce, pensato per visitare borghi e colline in tutta calma, con un gruppo di amici viaggiatori e un accompagnatore professionale, attento e gentile.
E' molto diverso come spirito dai mega tour in pullman con la guida turistica che racconta i monumenti ed un programma fittissimo ed estenuante e assomiglia molto di più ad un viaggio tra amici, anche grazie al piccolo numero di 8 partecipanti.
Faremo brevi passeggiate, assaggeremo le specialità, ammireremo i paesaggi e incontreremo guide locali per avere più informazioni quando sarà necessario.
E' un viaggio adatto a chi ama la natura, i bei paesaggi, a chi ha voglia di condividere una bella esperienza con gli altri, prendendosi anche dei momenti per sé quando si ha voglia di fare due passi per conto proprio o di contemplare un angolo in solitudine.
Non è necessario essere allenati fisicamente, anche se avere voglia di camminare un po' è sicuramente utile.
E' il viaggio giusto per chi ha voglia di assaggiare specialità locali e farsi portare dai sapori e dai profumi di queste terre accoglienti.

Gentile, disponibile e dall'umorismo sottile, Alessandro dimostra 10 anni di meno di quelli che ha, guida dolcemente e conosce tutte le strade, del Piemonte e non solo. Per i suoi viaggiatori è prima di tutto un compagno d'avventure, sorridente e pacato, che sa sempre creare l'atmosfera giusta. Ale è l'amico che sa dove portarti, conosce le scorciatoie, i ristoranti giusti e gli angoli panoramici, e rimane con te a bere l'ultimo amaro fino a notte fonda se la serata è quella giusta. In Giroola è uno dei fondatori, è anche Guida Escursionistica Ambientale e Accompagnatore Cicloturistico ma sono i tour in Minibus la sua specialità.
Dicono di lui i nostri viaggiatori:
- Alessandro è simpatico, disponibile e riesce sempre a creare l'armonia giusta per far sentire tutti a proprio agio. (Elisabetta, viaggiatrice nella Lavanda Piemontese)
- Alessandro, il nostro accompagnatore/autista: con lui stai senza pensieri… pensa a tutto lui, con infinita gentilezza, sensibilità, discrezione e professionalità! (Lori, viaggiatrice nel Gran Tour delle Alpi, 3 Giorni nelle Langhe e 5 Giorni in Provenza)
- Ho gradito molto la professionalità, la simpatia, la guida eccellente e l'attenzione di Alessandro alle singole esigenze di noi viaggiatori (Sara, viaggiatrice nel Gran Tour delle Alpi)

The price of this tour, 3 days by Minibus, Special Tour to the International White Truffle Fair of Alba, of 469 euros per person, includes:
- Transportation for 3 days on our brand new, air conditioned and free wi-fi equipped 9 seats minibus
- Assistance by Alessandro, who will drive you, help you, tell you fairy tales. You'll speak English with him, or learn Italian if you like.
- 2 night accommodation in B&Bs in double rooms, ensuite bathroom, breakfast included (single room supplement 50 euros for the whole trip, if required)
- 2 lunches (including a lunch with cooking lesson, a tasting of goat cheese on a farm)
- Visit to the Abbey of Vezzolano
- Visit to the “Wine Cathedrals” with tasting
- Visit to Acqui Terme
- Sightseeing tour by minibus of the main points of interest of the Langhe
- Visit of the Cathedral of Alba with the Diocese Museum and the Bell Tower
- A day at the “International fair of the White Truffle of Alba, World Truffle Market”
And then there will be other surprises, tastings, visits, but we don't want to spoil the surprise!
Per questo viaggio l'appuntamento con il nostro accompagnatore è:
- in Piazza Carlo Felice, davanti alla Stazione Porta Nuova, sotto i portici in corrispondenza del negozio Decathlon (clicca qui per coordinate Google Maps) alle 8.30
Se arrivate in auto e preferite un punto di incontro comodo in autostrada, per questo viaggio proponiamo
- il Parcheggio di Chivasso Centro (clicca qui per coordinate Google Maps) alle 7.30
Il rientro, l'ultimo giorno del tour, è previsto:
- a Torino alla Stazione Porta Nuova verso le ore 17:30\18.00 (se dovete prendere un treno vi consigliamo per sicurezza di scegliere partenze a partire dalle 18.30)
- a Chivasso al parcheggio verso le ore 18:30\19.00
The departure time for this trip is at 8 am on the first day. The time may vary slightly, between 8 and 9 am, depending on group composition, to allow everyone to join if traveling by train. About a week before departure we will confirm the exact time of the appointment.
The meeting point is in front of Torino Porta Nuova Station, in Piazza Carlo Felice Square under the arcades in front of the Decathlon store (click here for the Google Maps coordinates).
If you travel by train or plane, you can take the opportunity to arrive the day before and visit the city, we are at your disposal to add one or more nights to your trip.
If you arrive by car, we can recommend an alternative destination for the night before, and agree on a different meeting point.
The return to Turin, at the same point of departure, is scheduled for around 6 pm on the last day. Our advice, if you don't want to spend an extra night in Turin and leave the next day, is to book your return train from 6.30pm onwards.
For help organising the evening before the start of the trip, o the evening afterwads and for any questions or tips our Paola is happy to help you on the phone or WhatsApp ( +39 370 3506333 ), via email ([email protected]) or directly by chat by clicking here.

Zaino e Valigia
In questo viaggio pernotteremo sempre nello stesso hotel
Il nostro minibus ha un capace bagagliaio, dove ognuno potrà mettere la sua valigia. Consigliamo:
- un trolley o valigia per i tuoi vestiti e effetti personali per tutto il viaggio da caricare sul minibus e che porteremo in hotel
- uno zainetto, borsetta, borsello o borsa da avere con sé per tenere l'occorrente per la giornata
La cosa migliore è seguire l'antico consiglio delle nonne, e vestirsi 'a cipolla', con abbigliamento a strati, in modo da coprirsi quando è necessario e di approfittare del sole se si può. Consigliamo:
- abbigliamento comodo per la giornata
- una giacca più calda in caso di giornate uggiose
Per la sera, i nostri viaggiatori sono di solito vestiti in modo casual e rilassato, usciamo a cena ma non è necessario avere abiti eleganti. Ognuno comunque è libero di vestirsi come preferisce.
- L'ideale è avere una scarpa comoda: non faremo escursioni particolari, quindi vanno bene sia le scarpe da ginnastica con un po' di carrarmato, in modo da non scivolare, sia le scarpe da escursionismo leggero preferibilmente che siano anche water proof (impermeabile) se dovessimo trovare giornate uggiose. Sconsigliamo le scarpe da tennis e le scarpe con suola liscia o gli scarponi da montagna.
- Per la sera e i momenti di libertà va bene ovviamente qualsiasi calzatura
Se soffri il mal d'auto
Sul nostro minibus i posti non sono assegnati, si fa in modo sempre di ruotare nei vari posti nel corso del viaggio. Se hai necessità particolari di stare davanti perchè patisci il mal d'auto, fallo presente ad inizio viaggio e vedremo, compatibilmente con le esigenze simili degli altri viaggiatori, di accontentarti.
- Nei nostri hotel in genere c'è il phon in camera. Può capitare che i phon da camera d'albergo non siano troppo performanti o che per qualche motivo manchi (infatti il nostro Alessandro si porta sempre dietro il suo, nel caso ci fossero problemi ve lo può prestare). Se come Alessandro non puoi rinunciare ad una bella messa in piega ti consigliamo di portarne uno tuo da viaggio.
For our minibus tours we have chosen a Fiat Ducato, the most spacious in its category: it accommodates up to 8 passengers on individual seats (plus the driver) and guarantees to each traveler their personal space even at full load. We gave him a name, Megamind, and with Alessandro at the helm he will be a perfect traveling companion!
It features:
- wifi available for travelers
- a great sound system
- individually adjustable air conditioning
- adjustable rear single seats, padded armrests and 3-point seat belts
- modular and flexible configuration
- high roof so you can stand up inside
We also have a more agile and small Ford Tourneo (this is called Sciapaiar), it has 9 seats as well, spacious, brand new and with all the comforts of the Ducato.
In any case you will like our minibuses, guaranteed by Giroola.

In our travels you will find solo travelers, couples, or pairs of friends, and in a small group of eight it’s easy to become friends straight away. This tour is perfect for those that traveling alone but don't want to be on their own for the whole trip. You're independent and you can choose if and when to share meals and your free time with the group.
Our travelers are people who know how to travel, in fact they arrive independently to the place of the appointment, mainly from all over Italy (but not only) and who choose to take a trip with us to learn differently about places, people, flavors and traditions. We are proud to say that our travelers are the best part of our trips!
Solo travellers are always welcome in our tours, and if you feel like sharing a double of triple room with other members of the group we will send you an e-mail after your reservation and you will be able to tell us about your preferences (for example, if you are a girl and you would like to share a room with girls only etc). You will not pay any surcharge.
If you prefer, you can book a single room for a fee.
If there are no other solo travellers in your tour or if there is no opportunity to satisfy your preferences, your single room will be offered by us at no extra charge.

All our tours are directly made by us, Giroola Srl, via Amorosa 3, 10030 Villareggia (TO) (P.iva 11671600010, Scia 19022017-1520 Suap 9007)
During the tour you'll be covered by our Civil Responsibility Assurance (Reale Mutua Assicurazioni, via Corte d'Appello 1, 10122 Torino, nr.2007/03/2276452).
We adhere to the Guarantee Fund (art.50 Dlgs 23.05.2011 n.79) which can be used by all travellers provided they have a contract in case of bankruptcy or insolvency for the refunding of the price paid. (Fondo Garanzia Viaggi Srl, via Nazionale 60, 00184 Roma, certificate n. A/146.1485/5/2017).
Booking Policy, from the General Terms and Condition for the Sale of Tour Packages:
Acceptance of reservations by Giroola Srl is subject to availability. Reservations will be considered final following confirmation by Giroola Srl, even via e-mail or fax, to the client.
Indications relative to the tour package not contained in the contract documents, brochures or other forms of written communication, will be supplied in time by Giroola Srl prior to the initial starting date in compliance with its duties as envisaged by Legislative . decree n. 79/2011.
Upon booking, a registration fee and a deposit of 25% of the total amount is required. Full payment is due 30 days prior to departure. For reservations made within 30 days of departure, full payment is due upon booking. Lack of payment of the abovementioned sums on the dates established constitutes grounds for cancellation of reservations such as to determine, on the part of Giroola Srl, the right to terminate the contract.
The client renouncing the contract may be substituted by another person provided that:
a) Giroola Srl be given written notice at least 4 weekdays prior to the date of departure, together with the necessary personal data of the transferee;
b) The transferee be able to satisfy all the conditions for the fruition of the service ( ex article 10 of Legislative decree n.111/95) and in particular the requisites relative to passports, visas, health certificates;
c) The transferee refund Giroola Srl for all expenses incurred for the transfer of the contract for the sum specified before the transfer.
Moreover, the transferor and the transferee are both accountable for the payment in full of the tour package price as well as for the sum as per item (c) of the present article.
As far as certain types of services are concerned, third party suppliers have the right to refuse the substitution of the transferee, even if effected within the time limit specified as per item (a) of the present article. Giroola Srl will therefore not be held responsible for the eventual non-acceptance of the substitution on behalf of third parties. This non-acceptance shall be notified in good time by Giroola Srl to the parties involved before departure.
In the event of withdrawing from the tour package contract, the client is, in any case, liable for the payment of the tour package price. If withdrawal takes place for reasons beyond those envisaged in article 7 of the present General Terms, the client shall pay, in compliance with ex article 1373, paragraph III, Italian Civil Code, cancellation penalties as specified below:
- 10% of the tour package price within 30 days prior to departure
- 30% of the tour package price from 29 to 18 days prior to departure
- 50% of the tour package price from 17 to 10 days prior to departure
- 75% of the tour package price from 9 to 3 weekdays prior to departure
- 100% of the tour package price beyond these terms.
The client may withdraw from the contract, without incurring any penalty, in the following circumstances:
- a significant change of one or more elements of the contract which can be objectively considered as fundamental for the fruition of the tour package in its entirety and proposed by Giroola Srl.
- after the conclusion of the contract itself but prior to departure and not accepted by the client.
In the abovementioned circumstances, the client is entitled to the following options:
- the fruition of an alternative tour package, with no increase in price or with the restitution of the excess in price, if the second tour package costs less than the first;
- the restitution of any sum corresponded as partial payment. Said restitution must be made within seven weekdays from receiving the request for reimbursement.
The client must communicate the decision (to accept the change or to withdraw) within two weekdays from receiving notice of the price increase or change. In the absence of specific notice within the said term, the proposal made by Giroola Srl will be considered accepted. The client who decides to withdraw from the contract before departure for circumstances beyond those listed above shall pay, after deducting the account paid as per article 4, the penalty indicated in article 6.
Variations to the tour, requested by the client, after the confirmation of booking, could involve processing expenses for Giroola Srl and at times penalties charged by suppliers. If so, the customer will be charged. Partial withdrawal of some of the travellers under the same contract and the resulting decrease in number of tour members is to be considered partial cancellation and is consequently regulated as stated in article 6.
As specified in our General Conditions of Sale of tourist packages, when you travel with Giroola you are covered by our Civil Liability Insurance. For all that could happen and that was due to our negligence or error, we have signed a policy (Reale Mutua Assicurazioni, nr.2007 / 03/2276452).
There are other insurance policies that we recommend and for which we have chosen to work with Allianz Global Assistance, whose Globy range seems to us to be the most suitable for our travelers:
- TRAVEL CANCELLATION - Our 8-person trips are often full months before the date of travel, and even if our cancellation policy is actually much more flexible than expressed in our Booking Policy (our travelers can attest to this, we are very available to move the trip in case of unexpected even the last minute), where other facilities are involved (hotels, rentals, etc) some expenses are not really refundable, and therefore a good trip cancellation insurance becomes a valuable ally.
We at Giroola are an agency of the Globy network of Allianz Global Assistance, and we can therefore provide you with all the information, make estimates and issue the policies directly with the booking.
For any information our Paola is at your disposal at the phone number +39 370 3506333, at the address [email protected] or in the chat directly on this page.
What's included
- 2 breakfasts
- 2 lunches (including a lunch with cooking lesson and a goat cheese tasting)
- Transportation for 3 days on our brand new, air conditioned and free wi-fi equipped 9 seats minibus
- Assistance by Alessandro, who will drive you, help you, tell you fairy tales. You'll speak English with him, or learn Italian if you like.
- 2 night accommodation in B&Bs in double rooms, ensuite bathroom, breakfast included (single room supplement 25 euros for the whole trip, if required) 50 euros total)
- Cooking lesson
- visit to the “Santa Maria di Vezzolano” abbey
- visit to the “Wine Cathedrals” with tasting
- Goat cheese tasting at the farm
- Visit to the hot spring fountain in Acqui Terme
- Sightseeing tour by minibus of the main points of interest of the Langhe
- A day at the “International fair of the White Truffle of Alba, World Truffle Market”
Book this tour
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