Clone of A day by e-bike at the Rive Rosse among the woods and the hills of the Biella area
40 km of real mountain biking in the vineyards and trails of the legendary “Riverosse” red banks, with the added fun of pedal assistance
In an unreal landscape with its characteristic colors and perfect for those who love fun (and at times challenging) trails, we will spend a day of real mountain biking in the Rive Rosse area, very well known and appreciated by local enthusiasts.
We will leave from Masserano, where we will meet to get to know the group and ride the e-bikes, and we will travel to discover this enchanting territory, encounter incredible landscapes such as the Asei dam or the Turlo ridge, and we will reach the mythical territory of the Rive Rosse banks.
With its reddish-colored crumbled porphyry surface , evidence of a fascinating geological history, this area is full of scenic trails through vineyards and woods, all climbs and descents, fun and suitable to be covered by e-bike, to mitigate fatigue and focus on technique.
After a lunch all together to share among us the impressions, the difficulties and the satisfactions of this little adventure, we will get back on the saddle for other fun trails.
With the right care and precautions, we will have a lot of fun!
Altitude difference 1000 m, length approx 40 km.
PS: If you already own an e-bike, book with the code MIAEBIKE1GIORNO and you will get a discount of 40 euros

Medium easy
Not physically challenging - e-bikes help a lot for this :) - with some stretches on unsettled terrain, both uphill and downhill. (trails and unpaved roads, you should not be afraid of a little downhill on gravel, or some roots or loose stones)
Qualcuno dei nostri viaggiatori lo ha già conosciuto nella stagione 2024 sulla Via del Sale, ma nel 2025 lo vedremo spesso nei nostri gruppi: vi presentiamo Cristian, il nuovo accompagnatore in ebike di Giroola! Amante dei bei paesaggi e delle lunghe salite, con quasi vent'anni di esperienza come maestro di MTB, è sempre pronto a dispensare consigli ed è capace di infondere sicurezza e di trasformare in puro divertimento anche un sentiero che prima sembrava impossibile. Cristian è una guida attenta che mette gli altri sempre al primo posto, sa anticipare i bisogni dei compagni di viaggio e affronta ogni problema con naturalezza. Nella sua mente rimane impressa qualsiasi cosa accaduta molto tempo prima, ma al bar ricordategli di prendere cellulare e telefono dalla sedia perché li dimenticherà di sicuro!
Dicono di lui i nostri viaggiatori:
Cristian ha dimostrato competenza, pazienza e un grande cuore. E' più unico che raro trovare tutte queste qualità insieme! (Alessandra, viaggiatrice sulla Via del Sale)

This is one of our EASY tours.
We will be riding secondary roads, alternating paved stretches and unpaved sections that might include roots or stones.
This is a real bike ride, a day of outdoor sports, which is why it's important to be fit for it.
We recommend wearing padded cycling shorts as you will be riding for around 4 hours. If you are a frequent rider, remember to bring them with you. If you instead have never used them, re recommend getting a pair. Padded shorts are the biker's best friend (and also of the eBiker), because the legs will hold up well with the electric bike, but a bad “lower back” can really ruin a good day.
In all our eBike tours it is essential to wear a helmet, if you don't have one we can lend it to you. If you rent one of our eBikes, the helmet is included in the price.

Per questa giornata il ritrovo è
- a Brusnengo (BI), in via Masserano, 1, dove potete lasciare l'auto (clicca qui per le coordinate Google Maps)
- alle 9.30 per chi viene con la propria eBike
- alle 9.00 per chi noleggia le eBike da noi
Una volta formato il gruppo e fatte le presentazioni, inizieremo a pedalare per le 10:00 (prima della partenza confermeremo ai viaggiatori iscritti l'esatto luogo dell'appuntamento)
La fine del giro è prevista, nello stesso punto del ritrovo, alle 17.00 circa.
Nel caso in cui il maltempo non permetta di effettuare il tour, vi contatteremo il giorno prima (quando le previsioni meteo diventano più attendibili) per riprogrammare la giornata o essere rimborsati.
If the weather makes the tour impossible, we will contact you the day before (when the weather forecast becomes more reliable) to reschedule the day or for a reimbursement.
The price of the package, 79euros per person, includes:
- Accompaniment by a bicycle tour guide authorized by the Piedmont Region for cycling / e-bike excursions for the whole day
- lunch (two courses, water and coffee)
if you wish to use one of our eBikes for the ride, the cost of the rental for the whole day, including the helmet, is 50 euros, and can be added during the booking.
You can sign up directly in this page or by contacting us directly by e-mail at ([email protected]) or by phone or Whatsapp at the number 370 3506333
You can chat straight with us clicking here

Probabilmente hai già una attrezzatura completa per pedalare per una giornata in sella ad una eBike. In questo paragrafo abbiamo inserito il "promemoria" che usiamo noi per essere sicuri di non dimenticare nulla prima di partire per un tour:
- pantaloncini con fondello
- t-shirt in tessuto tecnico
- scarpe da bici/mtb (oppure da ginnastica/trekking)
- uno zainetto con dentro una maglia a maniche lunghe e un k-way o antivento (magari non serviranno, ma meglio essere previdenti...!)
- una borraccia per l'acqua / sali minerali
- uno snack
- occhiali da sole
- crema protezione UV
- il casco - non è (ancora) obbligatorio per legge, ma lo è in tutti i nostri tour
L'uso di altre protezioni (guanti, ginocchiere, gomitiere, casco con mentoniera, etc) non è invece obbligatorio, ma considerando che il percorso sarà principalmente su strade e sentieri (anche molto) accidentati, se ti senti più a tuo agio le puoi portare con te ed indossarle quando lo riterrai più opportuno.
Controllare la bici prima di partire per il tour (IMPORTANTE) :
- pneumatici in buone condizioni
- freni funzionanti
- sospensioni in ordine e tarate correttamente
- catena non eccessivamente usurata o danneggiata
- batteria carica
Infine, la nostra guida ha con sé nello zaino il necessario per effettuare piccole riparazioni, ma alcuni pezzi non sono universalmente validi, quindi il nostro consiglio è di avere nel proprio zaino qualche ricambio che potrebbe rendersi necessario, del tipo e della misura adatta alla propria eBike:
- una camera d'aria
- una falsa maglia
- una coppia di pastiglie dei freni
- il forcellino del cambio
L'elenco è lungo, ma sta tutto in uno zaino! :)
Consigliamo di arrivare già "vestiti da bici" al luogo dell'appuntamento, così da essere pronti a partire.
We do not own the eBikes ourselves: we work with the best rental companies in Piedmont that, for this type of tour, provide us with fully suspended eBikes that are clean, in excellent working order, medium-high range (like Cube, Focus, Haibike, Rossignol, Thok, all equipped with Bosch - Shimano - Yamaha motors) and, importantly, of the correct size.
These are are also called “pedal assist” bikes, because the motor will help the rider in moving, but the rider still has to pedal.
So, by riding an e-bike, someone who is trained can get even further, and beginners can have fun without feeling exhausted straight away.
To understand and get a feel for how much fun and easy to use of these bicycles are, the only solution is to come and try!

All our tours are directly made by us, Giroola Srl, via Amorosa 3, 10030 Villareggia (TO) (P.iva 11671600010, Scia 19022017-1520 Suap 9007)
During the tour you'll be covered by our Civil Responsibility Assurance (Reale Mutua Assicurazioni, via Corte d'Appello 1, 10122 Torino, nr.2007/03/2276452).
We adhere to the Guarantee Fund (art.50 Dlgs 23.05.2011 n.79) which can be used by all travellers provided they have a contract in case of bankruptcy or insolvency for the refunding of the price paid. (Fondo Garanzia Viaggi Srl, via Nazionale 60, 00184 Roma, certificate n. A/146.1485/5/2017).
Booking Policy, from the General Terms and Condition for the Sale of Tour Packages:
Acceptance of reservations by Giroola Srl is subject to availability. Reservations will be considered final following confirmation by Giroola Srl, even via e-mail or fax, to the client.
Indications relative to the tour package not contained in the contract documents, brochures or other forms of written communication, will be supplied in time by Giroola Srl prior to the initial starting date in compliance with its duties as envisaged by Legislative . decree n. 79/2011.
Upon booking, a registration fee and a deposit of 25% of the total amount is required. Full payment is due 30 days prior to departure. For reservations made within 30 days of departure, full payment is due upon booking. Lack of payment of the abovementioned sums on the dates established constitutes grounds for cancellation of reservations such as to determine, on the part of Giroola Srl, the right to terminate the contract.
The client renouncing the contract may be substituted by another person provided that:
a) Giroola Srl be given written notice at least 4 weekdays prior to the date of departure, together with the necessary personal data of the transferee;
b) The transferee be able to satisfy all the conditions for the fruition of the service ( ex article 10 of Legislative decree n.111/95) and in particular the requisites relative to passports, visas, health certificates;
c) The transferee refund Giroola Srl for all expenses incurred for the transfer of the contract for the sum specified before the transfer.
Moreover, the transferor and the transferee are both accountable for the payment in full of the tour package price as well as for the sum as per item (c) of the present article.
As far as certain types of services are concerned, third party suppliers have the right to refuse the substitution of the transferee, even if effected within the time limit specified as per item (a) of the present article. Giroola Srl will therefore not be held responsible for the eventual non-acceptance of the substitution on behalf of third parties. This non-acceptance shall be notified in good time by Giroola Srl to the parties involved before departure.
In the event of withdrawing from the tour package contract, the client is, in any case, liable for the payment of the tour package price. If withdrawal takes place for reasons beyond those envisaged in article 7 of the present General Terms, the client shall pay, in compliance with ex article 1373, paragraph III, Italian Civil Code, cancellation penalties as specified below:
- 10% of the tour package price within 30 days prior to departure
- 30% of the tour package price from 29 to 18 days prior to departure
- 50% of the tour package price from 17 to 10 days prior to departure
- 75% of the tour package price from 9 to 3 weekdays prior to departure
- 100% of the tour package price beyond these terms.
The client may withdraw from the contract, without incurring any penalty, in the following circumstances:
- a significant change of one or more elements of the contract which can be objectively considered as fundamental for the fruition of the tour package in its entirety and proposed by Giroola Srl.
- after the conclusion of the contract itself but prior to departure and not accepted by the client.
In the abovementioned circumstances, the client is entitled to the following options:
- the fruition of an alternative tour package, with no increase in price or with the restitution of the excess in price, if the second tour package costs less than the first;
- the restitution of any sum corresponded as partial payment. Said restitution must be made within seven weekdays from receiving the request for reimbursement.
The client must communicate the decision (to accept the change or to withdraw) within two weekdays from receiving notice of the price increase or change. In the absence of specific notice within the said term, the proposal made by Giroola Srl will be considered accepted. The client who decides to withdraw from the contract before departure for circumstances beyond those listed above shall pay, after deducting the account paid as per article 4, the penalty indicated in article 6.
Variations to the tour, requested by the client, after the confirmation of booking, could involve processing expenses for Giroola Srl and at times penalties charged by suppliers. If so, the customer will be charged. Partial withdrawal of some of the travellers under the same contract and the resulting decrease in number of tour members is to be considered partial cancellation and is consequently regulated as stated in article 6.
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